Flat roofs can be a source of near-constant headache for many building managers or maintenance supervisors of commercial buildings. While we certainly understand how and why this can happen, we also think flat roofs have gotten a bad rap over the years. Many buildings, because of how they are laid out and designed, simply require a flat-style roof. And there’s nothing wrong with that – a flat roof, done right, is no problem at all.


So why is it, then, that so many people have issues with flat roofs? At VDB Contracting, our years of experience have taught us quite a bit, and we have some great insight. Here are three of the biggest reasons people often have a hard time with flat roofs:

Poor Installation

Poor installation can encompass a few different things. Perhaps the installation was done hastily and carelessly. Or maybe it was done with poor quality materials or with shortcuts all over the place. Because of the nature of flat roofs and how they’re designed to deal with the elements, it’s absolutely critical that the process is done the right way. An improperly-installed flat roof is much less forgiving than a traditional roof.

Inexperienced Installers

When installing or fixing flat roofs, experience is a must. Because the process requires much attention to detail and knowing where potential problem spots could arise in the future, it’s imperative that an installer has experience with installing flat roofs. Installing a flat roof is not a mindless or menial task that just anyone can do. Installers need to be skilled and extremely familiar with the nuances of the process.

Improper or Ignored Maintenance

Often times when there are the early signs of a problem with a flat roof, the owner of the building looks for a quick, band-aid fix to make the problem go away. Because of how flat roofs deal with water, ice, snow, and the elements in general, it is very important that any maintenance issues are addressed at the core of the problem and that a fix is permanent and actually resolves the underlying issue.

At VDB Contracting, we’re experienced flat roof experts. When you work with us, you can rest assured the work will be done right, with care, and with the utmost attention to detail. If your project requires a flat roof or you already have a flat roof that needs some attention, give us a call today and let us help you with your project.