The distinct change in seasons is one of the things that makes Wisconsin what it is. And, although we might complain about the ice and snow by the time the end of February rolls around, most of us would have to admit that we’d miss our changes in season if we lived somewhere else. There’s something special about watching one season blend into another and experiencing four truly distinct seasons.

As the fall continues on and will soon turn to winter, heating season is officially on us. Even the staunchest holdouts usually allow themselves to fire up the furnace once November 1st comes. And most of the good people of southeastern Wisconsin are always looking to stretch their hard-earned dollars as far as they go when it comes to heating their homes.

As experts in a number of in-home repair, remodel, and restoration projects, our experience has taught us, firsthand, just how important your roof and attic are in keeping your home warm – affordably – all winter long. Since most heat in the home is lost through the top, having an old or leaky roof is like burning money every time you fire up the furnace. And in the same way, having an attic that is not sufficiently insulated also causes your heating bill to increase with each passing day.

At VDB Contracting, we want your home to be warm and comfortable, and we want to see you save on your energy bill at the same time. If you suspect you may need to address either your roof or your attic insulation, give us a call today and let us help you determine how you can make your house as efficient as it can be for the upcoming cold weather.

insulation installers Milwaukee winter heating